I like the idea of this app BUT, it is almost as though it was written for and by a 16-year-old stoner. The grammar is poor, I dont appreciate seeing the use of "u" for the word "you", and the layout neednt be so touchy-feely. The icons allow the user to select different uses, properties, and photos, but this would all be better to be accessed on the individual variety screen by scrolling. Some of the photos are blurry and nearly all of them were poorly cut. Seriously, I would be glad to help bring it up to par, especially the grammar. Credibility is lost when an app has the language of a high school stoner. I dont recommend any adult paying money for this until it is tightened up. I wouldnt upgrade until I can bear to read the content. Please, I will help you. Contact me and we can work via copy and paste emails. It will be simple, but this app is currently painful. E l l e n b r e w e r at icloud.